May 06, 2020 ( last updated : May 06, 2020 )
Now we almost have developled the entire game, just a little coding. Today, I will introduce the class implementation based on previous analysis😃!
🤓As we’ve already analyzed, the Snake
class should do following things:
And the implementation is here:
@author Weiwei Cao 2020-05-03
This is a class of Snake.
import Food
import InitGame
class Snake:
def __init__(self):
initialize a snake
self.default_length = 5
self.head_x, self.head_y = [InitGame.WIDTH // 4, InitGame.HEIGHT // 2]
self.snake = [[self.head_x - (i * 20), self.head_y] for i in range(self.default_length)]
self.current_direction = "right" # default direction of the snake
def move(self, next_direction: str) -> None:
receive signals from keyboard and changing coordinates of the snake
:param next_direction: next direction string
:return: None
# 0. change the direction of next direction is not opposite with current direct
if self.current_direction == "right" and next_direction != "left" \
or self.current_direction == "left" and next_direction != "right" \
or self.current_direction == "up" and next_direction != "down" \
or self.current_direction == "down" and next_direction != "up":
self.current_direction = next_direction
# 0.1 get new head position
new_head_x, new_head_y = self.head_x, self.head_y
if self.current_direction == "up":
new_head_x = self.head_x
new_head_y -= 20
elif self.current_direction == "down":
new_head_x = self.head_x
new_head_y += 20
elif self.current_direction == "left":
new_head_x -= 20
new_head_y = self.head_y
elif self.current_direction == "right":
new_head_x += 20
new_head_y = self.head_y
# 0.2 insert new head into the 1st index and update the head position
self.snake.insert(0, [new_head_x, new_head_y])
self.head_x, self.head_y = new_head_x, new_head_y
# 0.3 pop the last coordinate (x, y)
def get_position(self) -> list:
get the coordinates of the snake = head * 1
:return: a list contains coordinates of a snake
return self.snake
def get_length(self) -> int:
get current length of the snake
:return: current length of the snake
return len(self.snake) - self.default_length
def eat(self, food: Food) -> None:
After eating a piece of food, updating the coordinates of the snake
:param food: an instance of Food
:return: None
food_pos = food.get_position() # get the food position
self.snake.insert(0, [food_pos[0], food_pos[1]]) # add food into the snake
self.head_x, self.head_y = food_pos[0], food_pos[1] # update the head of the snale
def is_alive(self) -> bool:
Check whether the snake is alive
:return: True if the snake is alive, otherwise False
# if the snake head is on the border or has collision with itself, then dead, return False
if self.head_x in [-InitGame.W_CELL, InitGame.WIDTH] or self.head_y in [-InitGame.H_CELL, InitGame.HEIGHT] \
or [self.head_x, self.head_y] in self.snake[1:]:
return False
else: # the snake is alive
return True
Basically, Food
class will do such things:
@author Weiwei Cao 2020-05-03
This is a class of Food.
import random
import InitGame
import Snake
class Food:
def __init__(self):
Initialize the first pair of coordinate of food
self.food_x = random.randint(5, InitGame.COLS - 5) * InitGame.W_CELL
self.food_y = random.randint(5, InitGame.ROWS - 5) * InitGame.H_CELL
self.food_pos = [self.food_x, self.food_y]
def update_position(self) -> None:
Randomly generate a new pair of coordinate for putting food
:return: None
self.food_x = random.randint(5, InitGame.COLS - 5) * InitGame.W_CELL
self.food_y = random.randint(5, InitGame.ROWS - 5) * InitGame.H_CELL
self.food_pos = [self.food_x, self.food_y]
def get_position(self) -> list:
Get the food position
:return: a list contains the food coordinate in x-axis and y-axis
return self.food_pos
def is_eaten(self, snake: Snake) -> bool:
To check the food is whether eaten by the snake
:param snake: an instance of Snake
:return: True if the food is eaten by the snake else return False
if self.food_pos in snake.get_position():
return True
return False
There is no Button
class in pygame
and we need buttons to acpture mouse status and to start or quit the game, so we add following features in this class:
@author Weiwei Cao 2020-05-03
This is a class of Button.
class Button:
def __init__(self, btn_pos: tuple, btn_size: tuple, txt_pos: tuple, txt: str):
Initialize a Button object with below attributes
:param btn_pos: a pair of coordinate, (x, y)
:param btn_size: a pair of size, (width, height)
:param txt_pos: a pair of coordinate, (x, y)
:param txt: a string that will displayed on button
self.button_pos = btn_pos
self.button_width = btn_size[0]
self.button_height = btn_size[1]
self.button_text_pos = txt_pos
self.button_txt = txt
def get_position(self) -> tuple:
get button start coordinate
:return: a tuple contains start coordinate (x, y)
return self.button_pos
def get_size(self) -> tuple:
get the size of button
:return: a tuple contains width and height of the button (width, height)
return self.button_width, self.button_height
def get_text(self) -> tuple:
get the text information on the button
:return: a tuple contains (text, [x, y])
return self.button_txt, self.button_text_pos
def is_hover(self, mouse_pos: tuple) -> bool:
To check whether the mouse is hover on the button
:param mouse_pos: an status of mouse object
:return: True if the mouse is hover on the button else return False
if self.button_pos[0] <= mouse_pos[0] <= (self.button_pos[0] + self.button_width) \
and self.button_pos[1] <= mouse_pos[1] <= (self.button_pos[1] + self.button_height):
return True
return False
def is_click(self, click_status: tuple) -> bool:
To check whether the button is clicked by the mouse
:param click_status: status of mouse object
:param mouse_pos: status of mouse click
:return: True if the mouse is clicked on the button else return False
if click_status[0] == 1 or click_status[1] == 1 or click_status[2] == 1:
return True
return False
Next is the core of the game, and it contains some configurations of the game and implement key features. The framework of is should be as following:
# a class initialize the game
class Board(object):
def __init__(self):
Initialize all related modules and the screen
def draw_objects(self, obj: object, color: tuple) -> None:
Draw objects on the screen
:param color: the color of objects
:param obj: instance of an object that should be drawn on the screen
:return: None
def end_game(self, score: int) -> None:
End the current running game it will give options to user to choose a new round or exit the game
:param score: current game scores
:return: None
def play_game(self) -> None:
The main part for starting a game
:return: None
def intro_game(self) -> None:
An interface the before user starting the game.
If user click start, it will call the play_game() method
If user click quit, it will close the window
:return: None
Next, we’ll dive into the detail of this class .
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Originally published May 06, 2020
Latest update May 06, 2020
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