Data Structure - Quick Review of Priority Queue

May 09, 2020 ( last updated : May 10, 2020 )
Heap Data Structure and Algorithm

Priority Queue

A priority queue is an abstract data type, which has the behaviour somewhat like a queue. However, the first-out element is not the first-in element on time serial but the element with the highest priority in the queue. You can think it is a container holds priorities.

As the priority queue is an ADT, it can be implemented in many of the data structures, such as arrays, linked lists and so on. However, the most efficient ways to achieve such data type is using heap. Let’s move to the next parts to see the reasons.


A heap is a binary tree with the following conditions:

Typically, heap is implemented using array and the index starting at position 1. The first element in a heap it the root which is heap[1].

Since it’s a complete binary tree, for a node at index i, its left child should be at index 2*i and the right child is at 2*i+1.

The height of heap will be logN.

Inserting a node in heap

For inserting a node into a heap, we always start the operation at the last index since we want to keep the character of making it is a complete binary tree. The process as following:

Since the height of a heap is logN, this operations’s time complexity is O(logN).


Deleting a node from heap

Always delete the first element in a heap and move the last into the first index to keep the skeleton.

Since the height of a heap is logN, this operations’s time complexity is O(logN).

Creating a heap

There are two ways to generate a Heap, one native way is using previous insertion method. we repeat inserting for N times and it will form a Heap as a result. However, this Top-down fashion costs O (N * logN) time which is not efficient.

Another method is call heapify, which using Bottom-up, takes linear time O(N). The idea is to generate the heap in-place from the backward determining each subtree whehter form a valid subheap . The process as following:

Heap sort

Heapsort uses a heap to sort the objects. As we know, each time for deletion in a heap, we can get the max/min element, then for a heap contains N elements, we perform deletion for N times will get a sorted output. As deletion method take O(logN) time, heap sort runs in O(N * logN).

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Originally published May 09, 2020
Latest update May 10, 2020

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